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Beyond the Hype: AI, the Metaverse - What Does the Future Hold?

Updated: Jun 11

Chasen DiBattiste : Author

Gathering the Basics

Looks pretty cool right, you're welcome for the insight. I'm kidding I'm kidding, that is definitely not the Metaverse. I'd like to clear things up and give a clear understanding of the Metaverse to make sure we on the same page here. The Metaverse is not a single specific place, it is actually an umbrella term. The concept is something like: envision a future iteration of the internet so that users experience seamless interconnection between immersive virtual worlds. Honestly, that sounds pretty cool when you read that, but lets dive a little deeper into the core and gain a better understanding, shall we?

We have Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Whatsapp. While there are other products and services under the 'Meta' platforms, the idea remains persistent. Then we have VR and AR which continue to evolve and they help grasp a better 'vision' of what we could expect. Truly, imagine waking up and putting on some all in one PC that fits right over your head and covers your eyes. That is already strange enough, but take it a step further and imagine this becoming the new reality where you also use this for nearly everything. Need to attend class, no problem. Need to undo that error, we got a button. I think you get the point, if not, it is right here ->> .

What are the Concerns?

Well if anyone other than Mark Zuckerberg is telling you, the answer should be: I don't know. Even if he told us, who is to say he told the truth? This brings another mystery to the field of evolving technology. While there is no true answer because we don't know everything surrounding this concept, there are some legitimate concerns that can be brought to question. User's definitely want to make sure this doesn't invoke their privacy or security.

Potential Danger's and Threat's

There are pro's and con's to everything in life. The idea itself is cool, but me personally I think this is a bit farfetched. Recently, Mark was mentioned to be "borderline crazy" when confronted in a court of law. The question at hand was a concern that severe misuse of data is happening and merely behind our backs like it is not a thing. I can personally testify to being stalked by Facebook before, and I did some digging into the permissions and policies of Facebook.

Have you ever tried to sell something on the marketplace, and all you get are spam messages. Some want to verify you're real by sending you a verification code, others ask for personal information when everything can be discussed on the platform. I think deeper down there is an untold plot that could do more harm than good if not controlled. Blockchain technology is being considered for the Metaverse as a building block, and this could be dangerous. I don't have time to discuss all of it, so click the link to learn more.

Potential Benefits

I am going to list off 5 positives for both: AI & Metaverse: in that order.

  1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity: AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up human time and resources for more creative or strategic endeavors.

  2. Improved Decision-Making: AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that humans might miss, leading to better-informed decisions.

  3. Enhanced Customer Service: AI chat bots can provide 24/7 customer support, answer basic questions, and resolve simple issues, freeing up human representatives for more complex inquiries.

  4. Scientific Advancement: AI can assist in scientific research, analyzing complex data sets,  and accelerating breakthroughs in medicine, materials science, and other fields.

  5. Personalized Experiences: AI can personalize experiences for users, recommending products, content, or services based on past behavior and preferences.


  1. Enhanced Education and Training:  The Meta verse can create immersive learning experiences, allowing students to explore virtual environments and interact with complex concepts in a more engaging way.

  2. Revolutionized Communication and Collaboration:  The Meta verse can facilitate remote communication and collaboration, allowing people to work together in real-time regardless of physical location.

  3. Improved Accessibility:  The Meta verse can potentially provide access to experiences and opportunities that might be physically or financially out of reach for some people, such as attending concerts or traveling to historical sites.

  4. New Forms of Entertainment and Social Interaction: The Meta verse can offer immersive and interactive forms of entertainment, social interaction, and gaming experiences.

  5. Increased Innovation and Economic Opportunities: The Meta verse has the potential to spur innovation in various fields, leading to new products, services, and economic opportunities.

Now imagine combining the two, and the possibilities are endless. Perhaps it wouldn't be all that bad, maybe it would be the best thing to ever happen to human evolution, who knows.

I think, this guy does.

Or he could be evolving

into an egg as we speak.

Or he could be diagnosed with:

But look, I am not a Doctor.

I also do not know it all.

I just know, what I know.

I don't know, what I don't know.

I hope you understand me.


Important to Not Forget About:

Human rights and civilization at its core. We deserve a right to privacy, security, and ownership. Blockchain could be used to integrate and monitor every purchase down to the penny by removing the dollar. This simple decision with full integration would legitimately mean they can control who has money and based on what people buy increase the prices. If they can monitor you 24/7, we definitely need to be active and aware to make sure we as a population show this concern. We are the only ones who can stop the power of the printable money machines. We may not out-produce it, but if only a few people have it, we can simply sign our own contracts and choose to operate on a currency they don't control. For every yes, there is a no. What goes up must come down. This indicates balance or symmetry, and ultimately I hope this doesn't end up in a way that is worse for civilization. If there is one person I do trust to save humanity, it is the man above. What are your thoughts, who do you trust with humanity? Comment Below, Let Me Know!

~ Chasen DiBattiste | Author of Blog

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Yes, I used some AI assistance. this is relatively all original works.

I used AI for some information, but not all. Some was related to writing.

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