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Is Your Inner Critic Holding You Back? How to Silence Your Doubts and Become Your Best Self

Photograph of Chasen DiBattiste | Used in a blog post.
Picture of Me

Good morning, afternoon, night, wherever you are at this moment! This is a topic I wanted to discuss, because I know personally this was a huge struggle for me myself. I don't imagine I am the only one going through something like this and when these thoughts come to mind I act. I probably throw away all kinds of potential ideas because they just don't click, but when the right one clicks don't even try to get me out of zone. Self doubt can be incredibly annoying to deal with. Hopefully by the end of this article I can help you gain some interesting knowledge, & my take on the matter, in turn allowing you to be equipped with better tools.

I think that at one point or another, we can all say self doubt has been in our life. In-fact, this feeling itself may be a driving factor for highly successful people. If you think about it, the feeling of self-doubt is not comfortable. This most likely means it would trigger some type of internal fear. This may often cause the flight or fight in your body to become prominent. This is extremely natural, and what I imagine is that depending on ones home life, health, spiritual, mental, and life's flow of destination... We all learn to handle this experience separately and each have our own specific 'issues.' I mean, no one is perfect so we must have imperfections at least somewhere in basis. The quicker one learns to tackle the 'fear' associated, I think they probably would be more likely to grow into this behavior naturally. Parenting, and many other factors could probably control this as well. Not to mention, unnatural disasters.

Basically, we all have it tough. We also have it great, when they say it's 'perspective' or 'how you look at it / life' they are not technically lying. I would define that as reality itself. Then our perspective is our own 'fantasy' or 'illusion' of the situation based on our 'perception'. This happens all the time in 'reality' so think about how often we are the cause of our own problems, and we love to blame others. Like, America should be in the record books for blaming others. 'why'd you' 'how dare you' 'its your fault' 'if __ didn't do this' , we could all go on forever here... But that is the point. I'm still blaming Biden, no cap.

I mention all this to tie in the idea that we most likely all suffer, but unfortunately some do truly have it worse than others. What is still undeniable, is that our thoughts can be a bit out of control at times. While there probably is a specific solution to why this is happening, sometimes, I really think it is 'just' life. Life is a giant mystery, there is a lot to explore and more information to obtain than anyone could remember all of it either. Some of the smartest people spent their live trying to solve one specific problem and that is a like the definition of a headache if you ask me. They definitely felt self doubt, at least at times, there is just no way they did not. They do say you must learn to love or enjoy the process, and this is very true.

Graphical Photo I designed and implemented into the blog to fit the vibe.
Graphic | Mindset

Life will give you what you want, if you say it out loud, and pass the tests it unfolds. It sounds simple, and in theory it is. I'm just saying, be careful with that knowledge. You can call me crazy, but if you don't try it you won't know. At a certain point, everyone will think you're crazy, and that just means you're doing it right. Ask it to stop, hahahah it doesn't work like that either. You ever told someone not to hit you, then they hit you? Yea, same thing here. You'll be tested until you, give up, or pass. If you pass, you'll know. This kind of test is not the one on paper, it's the one they forget to tell you about in school. I wonder why they did that, hmm.

Another thing I would say is that generally, your health is divided into 3 root categories: Physical, Mental, Spiritual. Each one is important, and if you let any of those drop, then you essentially take on the impact directly from your own body and general health. I would like to think, that generally the better shape you're in, the more likely you are to 'feel' good or great. Now, this does not always have to be true, as some people appear to be generally living a happier life than others who are doing better than them financially. I totally agree with the idea and I do believe it is true. See, when they say balance is important, they are not lying. If you have a strong core, you most likely have good balance. The better the balance, the harder it is to fall down, in essence. If everything else is strong, then ideally you now are agile and by having balance you can push the boundaries. Slow down a parkour video that is moving fast, and watch how people glide off walls or jump from spot to spot. A lot of the times, if they are jumping you can see them eyeing the end, then straight focus onto the beginning with no fear or pure confidence. Their movement resembles this, and down to the way they land, or the way the foot slowly pushes off in targeted areas. This is agile and balance at its demonstration.

Cross to represent Jesus / Spirituality for my blog post.

When you can build the strength to string together events, you can make incredible things happen. Now that sounds amazing, but not everyone is gonna be a parkour specialist anyway. There are so many cool fields and specialist areas of expertise to work with. You can always invest your free time into projects or areas you want to learn. I think everyone is capable of achieving great things, and most of us probably fall short of achieving our own potential. I think everyone wishes they could've accomplished more, to some degree. You know, but if you align your spiritual health as well, you can FIND PEACE. Amen,

Image for blog.
Stacked Image { Used on HomePage }

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